Sunday, June 24, 2007

The First TWO BIG HURDLE before the birth..

1st Hurdle: Losing A Close Friend

"I need to know, do you guys trust me?"

That is the first question popped by Sel (one of our partner) early in a monday morning. Yesterday we had a great time gearing up our plan for the entrepreneurship journey. But out of a sudden, on that particular morning, Sel was feeling very depressed. We do not know why... nether does she knew why...

An urgent meeting was called, all Shinernite (ahem... the directors) were called in by Sel. It was obvious that her health (mentally) is deterioting. It was very confusing.... We do not know what happen. She seems confuse and...

Out of a sudden in less that a month, our beloved partner and a great friend, Sel, has fell into a very very deep depression and seems to alienate herself from the world. Later one day, we found that she has resign from that prestigious bank and has left KL.... without a word.

2nd Hurdle: A Milk Turned Sour
As days goes by, one by one, we resigned from that prestigious bank. Lokey was the first to tender, followed by Hanky and then Miss Billion (resigned twice... hehe.. very soft hearted).
A few round of presentation was presented to Mr. Investor. He is extremely happy with the progress.

Then out of a sudden, one day Hanky received a phone call from Lady Billion, informing that the deal with Mr. Investor has turned sour. He is pulling back his investment.
Reason???? Due to some personal reason.... blah... that sound very professional coming from a GM of a prestigious milk company.

We were awfully sad on that day... Hanky is numb... Lokey was speechless... Lady Billion is finishing a box of tissue.

What will happen to Shine??? Will the remaining Shinernite persevere with the journey???

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