Saturday, July 28, 2007

Wow... how long I didn't write? is it good?

Really, it has been some time since I last wrote....

What has been happening?? well, let me give u a summary of the happening....

New Sales Force is in: Victor has form a team to support Shine on the marketing side.

WTT: A training company that supported us and today we did a training to a financial institution

Prelude of BMX Challenge is today lor... this sunday, we got ADUN coming in, Redbull sponsor, Bike for lucky draw... riders from singapore... woo hoo.....

Then we got a call from a Japanese Restaurant to do training for their staff....

Then we got a call from an insurance company for a team building....

woo hoo....

Now you know why I didn't write leh....

Oh this is truly a God Bless... and I will keep persevere to achieve the vision for Shine!!!


Sunday, July 22, 2007

Working on weekend is fun?

Today is Sunday....

We worked till 8.30 pm from as early as 9am.

It all started in the morning... when we went for a blood donation campaign... at Bandar Country Homes of Rawang.

I started by early morning sending a group of orphanage children to TTDI park. Then after that rush all the way to Rawang...

There we sold some balloons sculpture and motivatoon. Then someone saw our motivatoon...
was impressed... and they wanted us to help them on drawing some cartoons on their newly published book.

We went to meet up them in the evening... was impressed... and wah lah... another deal on the way...

So you tell me working on the weekend is fun???


Thursday, July 19, 2007


We had our first outing last night and the experience was great! The team displayed good teamwork and everyone worked together as a team. We helped each other, give morale support and support each other. Though the work involve in not that challenging but since this is the debut, everyone wants to ensure things are under control and well managed.

I was pretty tired after the whole event, but the bottom line is we are happy!

The journey to success had just began. Go,Go,Go!


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Woo hoo.... Our 1st presentation

Today we did our very first public presentation... or to be precise Billion did her first public presentation.

It was about 20 people... most of them apek apek type one.... hehe I'm sure they are attracted to her... er... I mean her presentation... hehhee.....

I must say that before the presentation starts... i was like so nervous.... so I didn't go in when she start so that the energy is maintain.

Overall, I would say it was great... though there are room for improvement and nevertheless I saw the company CEO keep nodding his head in acknowledgement.

Well... congrats Billion.. today you de-virginize your public outing.... can wait on mine!


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

SPEED!!! Is there a speed limit one ah?

Speed is the essence here....
Day by day we are chasing after time after us....
I can no longer tolerate myself going after mediocrity..... F%^k all those in my mind!!!
Run and go all out to achieve the dreams and live the life I always wanted it to be....

Monday, July 16, 2007

Save the Last Dance for me....

Gosh... i'm so full of thrill and joy in me.....

How to explain this thrill.... I mean this is my fourth week into entrepreneurship ... haven't close any big sales.... but so much of seed planting and I believe with faith in my hand... those seeds will grow into something huge....

Yeah, sometimes when you are into a project with people who shares the same vision with you, . it always drive. Billion and Lokey are great partners who is constantly on the company vision. One thing that drive us is that we compliment each other.... If one of us are not here it will be like a missing link.....

One thing to inform is that for the past four weeks, I was always on a constant peak emotion. Don't feel a single moment of down... and when I do, I shift very fast.... this is my latest learning on how to constantly to be at the peak of the mindset.

Tommorrow meeting up with another big person....


A little celebration

We went for makan-makan after I gave a presentation to a key person in one of the up coming company. We called that "celebration" to mark the first pay check for SHINE. Horray.....

Though the money earned is not very significant, we will still give our best. This is our brand promise.


Friday, July 13, 2007

To attract more positive energy

Ya, Hank is right! We just have to align our thoughts and emotions to attract positive energy. Lets' noth thinking about the negative such as the non payment of money, the slow pace in closing deals, the wait for someone who promised to call but have yet to do so. Instead, let's align to there are so many people who like our program and they need a bit of time to consider and will revert with good news. Keep expanding the communication link to let as many people out there about "Shine". Keep repeating the values "Shine" can bring to people.

Keep spreading our energy to attact positive energy and desired results will come soon.


Friday the 13th

Today we met an interesting lady from a foreign bank. She is very funny and chatty despite her position, and yes from the way she do things, we can see she is a peak performer.

Everything went well, she ask for a detailed program with ROI and we will revert to her next week.

After that as I was driving back, after the Duta roundabout, i heard a 'POP' followed by a "sprack! sprack! sprack!" sound. Oh shit I thought, something major happen to my car...was it the belt... or what?? Got down of the car and saw my tyre punctured - by a set of keys that someone dropped!

Okay, so no big deal. just gotta change it right? Called Billion and told her I'll be late. Open the boot, got the tyre out and damn I realize....I have lost my tools bag!!

The 1st storm - X$%@*&!!! I cursed silently. No tools. How the toot! am I supposed to fix this. Okay, I can call AutoAssist, call my friends...or ..hey wait.. I remembered something. Yesterday night I was doing research on peak performance to strengthen the existing training program, and one of the characteristics of a peak performer is they work their way to overcome challenges. Like eagles, the face the storm head on and soar above it. I am not going to wait for help. I'll fix it.

Okay, first thing is to get the rim out of my tyre. How? I used my hands. Surprisingly the rim pops off easily.

Next, I look for what other stuff I have in my boot and lucky me, I still got the jack, a long iron bar my dad gave me to leverage on when screwing the nuts, and the nuts screwer. (Sorry I can't remember the name of the tool) Under the freaking 1.00 pm++ hot sun, I changed the freaking tyre.

Okay finally done. I've been presented by another challenge.

The 2nd storm - I was tired, hot and I realized the spare tyre was flat as well. X&%#@*!!! I cursed again. Another thought came: peak performers focused on solutions! They are creative and they took risk. I was too tired to be creative so I just took risk.I drove home with the flat. And on my way I started to lament - why must this happen to know the usual negative stuff...but after a short while, a thought came to remind me to switch my focus to something positive. I remembered reading the book Tuesdays with Morrie where Morrie advised, acknowledged your emotions and then get on with life. The question is not that we will not have any negative emotions but how fast we get out of it. I took his advise. I made it back home safe and sound and fed the spare with air.

After reaching home (or our Segambut branch) I was so tired that I accidentaly slept in Billion mock presentation. Today despite the storms that crop up, I managed to be in control of my emotions. I was down yes but I got up quickly. And towards the end...funny I have no negative or angry feelings but rather a sense of achievement. Perhaps I am learning to be like the eagle. To be a stormrider.

Hanky coined the term Peaktorians! I like it. It can be combination of Peak State and Victorian (victory). I guess the universe is preparing me to deliver our signature program not just in theory but experiential as well. Now when I share, I can do it with conviction and congruence - because today, I experience riding the storm.


Thursday, July 12, 2007

Shine and The Secret

Let me share with you today a lil thing about what people has been talking about now a days which is The Secret.

If you look at the epiloque at our earlier posting, you would see that we have an investor. Now this one is quite a unique story. It all happens when one day all of us sat at a garden and we've just watched this documentary on success call The Secret.

We thought like hey... let's apply what we have learn there and see if we can do alignment and get an investor. And wah lah.... u know what, the next day, mr. investor just come into our office.

This is something that we have always applied, from getting a carpark, getting someone to call us and also if we want to make it a sunny. Weird you might think huh... but this is true.

Now you might ask how come we lost the investor. Well, in my personal opinion is that when you make alignment, you must be fast at grabbing it. Else it will just go away.... so action... i mean fast action is also crucial here.

But the key question is also that an event would it have effect our belief and thus spiral into further deterent result???? I believe it might....

Therefore, whatever it is in your life.... always look out for positive alignment and be grateful with what you have... coz this will manifest.

Tommorrow I will be doing a presentation to Asian Finance Bank, hmmm... let me do an alignment on this.... hehhehee...


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Life is tough

No more morning calls early today. Imagine people could just ignore you after they have got what they wanted! Life is tough and full of challenges, we move on despite the odds. I am praying hard for the money to return soon. Never give up!

Just sent our company profile and program to a friend who works in Bank Simpanan Nasional. Will have to reach out to as many people as possible.

It's great to know from Hank about Victor- a great marketing guy who we can work together for win-win.

18 days to achieve our target! Let's bring up the numbers.......


Marketing Arms is coming in...

Met up with a friend of mine who is into business himself; Victor.

Victor is a very much of a strong marketing person and he is offering to secure the marketing side of Shine.

Tommorrow will meet him up to discuss in detail on the how to go about....

Billion: Wah... sweat starts to come up hah....


No sign of money....

The guy called early in the morning. As usual, with lots of stories but emphasize not to bank-in the cheque and cash will be given instead. The wait was long and now it's more than 12 hours since the last call. SMS and call were made, but went to dead sea! Will miracle happen tomorrow? Do I still have hope to get back my hard earned money? Let's see and hope for "esok masih ada".

Called an old friend and was surprised she is now working in BSN. She asked me to send her our training program. Well, positive sign here!

Sometimes you will never accept the fact unless you gamble it!

Posted by

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Young & Dangerous...

Yup, that is something to describe about this lady we met this evening...

She is truly dynamic... young but full of essense.

Sometimes I wonder if being young is an obstacle???? This is something to ponder when Michael gave me a call in the afternoon and told me that the COO we met yesterday has a concern that I'm a lil too young to do a presentation....

Last time, this is something that is my concern... but now I just laugh at it.... (Me and Michael share a same type of laughter... with evil tone)

This is what happen when you are clear with what is your vision all about!!!!

Come back again to this lady... I was like thinking... wow... she is someone that attracts me and yet she is like at "there" and I am here.... hmm... do i want to create something with this person who walks into my path???

Has text her a message..... what will happen next????

Always open to possibilities..... :) Should I do that??? hmm... Someone from Asian Finance could have answer me dat....


Monday, July 9, 2007

Shine is born in the same time I am in a journey call LP106 of Asiaworks.

This journey has fuel me the courage, the determination and the resources to build a path into entrepreneurship.

A true bunch of sincere frens that I met there..... from Choops (Brand manager) to Brabus guy to Michael... and lots of the support from sharing and advise....

Just to share a page to tribute to my LP106.. for the support that they have given.

And i'm sure Shine will reach out to more ppl and our stand to unleash of human potential will always be something that we hold upon!!!!

Carpe Diems!!!


Endless challenges

We are into 3rd week of entrepreneurship ......things are moving at all angle but one challenging one faced by me today is a thousand ringgit deal where it's lent to someone to test his character! This gentleman called before 11:00am to illustrate a long stories with the bottom line to borrow some money which is very much needed to collect an important documents from Putrajaya. The one thousand ringgit was lent on good faith with hopes that this will lead to a more productive business relationship. People says; "money can buy a lot of things", let's see how applicable this case will be.

The security offered is a Maybank cheque for RM2000 which is post dated on 11 July. Do stay with us to find out what happen to this RM1,000.00 .......

The meeting with Mike was interesting. He brought us our first deal on 2 hours presentation which seems pretty promising where we just have to impress the principal. The moments of truth will come in very soon this month.

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Friday, July 6, 2007

Lessons Learned In The Quest for Freedom

Am I ready for the world? To come out to the thrill of uncertainty? To withstand pain of rejection? To taste the sweetness of success?

For a start, nothing in my 15 years of employment has prepared me for this. A trusted friend, a mentor and a person who gave us hope - all three of them - betrayed us.

1st betrayal: A friend whom I trusted with my life, stabbed me from the back. I confronted her. She said she's not going to do it again. And I trusted her. She lied. She stabbed me again - two more times.

2nd betrayal: A bastard called Lam - a person whom I thought was going to be my mentor, turns out to be nothing but a manipulative, insecure and lying son of a bitch. (Read more about him at - the article "The Boss That Thinks That He Is God")

3rd betrayal: He liked what he saw. He believed in our dreams. So much so that he is willing to finance it. We showed him our commitment - we resigned with nothing in hand but faith in our dreams. We had lunch. Showed him our proposal. He loved it. We shook hands. Deal sealed. Thats what we thought. We never see him again.

These betrayals hurts me deeply. I cried silent tears behind closed door. I suffered shame and rejection. But I survived. Things that doesn't kill you will make you stronger. I've learnt my lesson.

Am I ready for the world?
Perhaps the answer is embedded in a dialogue between Bond and his boss M, in the James Bond Casino Royale movie:
M : "You don't trust them?"
James Bond : "No."
M : "Then... you are ready."

Posted by Loke

Thursday, July 5, 2007

As mentioned by Hank, the journey for "Shine" is very exciting as everyday we experience interesting events and met with wonderful people who encourage us and motivate us. Over the last two weeks, we received lots of morale support from family members, friends and even the prospects!

We are still in the early stage to achieve our business goal (tentatively keep it as a secret!). We strongly believe that our hard work will pay off in no time as the classic saying goes; "God will help those who help themselves".

So far our presentations have received positive feedback and the prospect kind of like it, only short of signing up! Well, we will try harder until we secure the first sales!

Posted by
Bee Lian

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Wow! People are all out for us...

It's been about 5 days since I last wrote in this blog.

Well, it has been a tiring and yet a very exciting journey so far.... we met all kind of people and they are there to help us.

People go all out to get the contact for us... to intro some big shoot for us and even to get an investor.

Why is this??? What is their intention??

Well, judging so far... I personally believe that their intention is just to help a friend. :) This is truly a blessing and this tells me that we should always reach out to people and be sincere in doing that. If only the world are together... gosh what a miracle would that be.

What is the result or status so far???
Well, so far we have did some presentation or meet up with people from OCBC, HSBC and some great people with lots of connection.
As for the sales, there is another posibility of getting a public presentation for at least 3 sessions in July.

I believe with the right mindset and alignment... things is out there for us to grab....

It is coming!!!


Sunday, July 1, 2007

The 2nd Week

Tomorrow Shine will roar into the 2nd week.

Carpe Diem - Seize the Day!!!


Feed Shark