Friday, July 13, 2007

Friday the 13th

Today we met an interesting lady from a foreign bank. She is very funny and chatty despite her position, and yes from the way she do things, we can see she is a peak performer.

Everything went well, she ask for a detailed program with ROI and we will revert to her next week.

After that as I was driving back, after the Duta roundabout, i heard a 'POP' followed by a "sprack! sprack! sprack!" sound. Oh shit I thought, something major happen to my car...was it the belt... or what?? Got down of the car and saw my tyre punctured - by a set of keys that someone dropped!

Okay, so no big deal. just gotta change it right? Called Billion and told her I'll be late. Open the boot, got the tyre out and damn I realize....I have lost my tools bag!!

The 1st storm - X$%@*&!!! I cursed silently. No tools. How the toot! am I supposed to fix this. Okay, I can call AutoAssist, call my friends...or ..hey wait.. I remembered something. Yesterday night I was doing research on peak performance to strengthen the existing training program, and one of the characteristics of a peak performer is they work their way to overcome challenges. Like eagles, the face the storm head on and soar above it. I am not going to wait for help. I'll fix it.

Okay, first thing is to get the rim out of my tyre. How? I used my hands. Surprisingly the rim pops off easily.

Next, I look for what other stuff I have in my boot and lucky me, I still got the jack, a long iron bar my dad gave me to leverage on when screwing the nuts, and the nuts screwer. (Sorry I can't remember the name of the tool) Under the freaking 1.00 pm++ hot sun, I changed the freaking tyre.

Okay finally done. I've been presented by another challenge.

The 2nd storm - I was tired, hot and I realized the spare tyre was flat as well. X&%#@*!!! I cursed again. Another thought came: peak performers focused on solutions! They are creative and they took risk. I was too tired to be creative so I just took risk.I drove home with the flat. And on my way I started to lament - why must this happen to know the usual negative stuff...but after a short while, a thought came to remind me to switch my focus to something positive. I remembered reading the book Tuesdays with Morrie where Morrie advised, acknowledged your emotions and then get on with life. The question is not that we will not have any negative emotions but how fast we get out of it. I took his advise. I made it back home safe and sound and fed the spare with air.

After reaching home (or our Segambut branch) I was so tired that I accidentaly slept in Billion mock presentation. Today despite the storms that crop up, I managed to be in control of my emotions. I was down yes but I got up quickly. And towards the end...funny I have no negative or angry feelings but rather a sense of achievement. Perhaps I am learning to be like the eagle. To be a stormrider.

Hanky coined the term Peaktorians! I like it. It can be combination of Peak State and Victorian (victory). I guess the universe is preparing me to deliver our signature program not just in theory but experiential as well. Now when I share, I can do it with conviction and congruence - because today, I experience riding the storm.


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