Monday, July 16, 2007

Save the Last Dance for me....

Gosh... i'm so full of thrill and joy in me.....

How to explain this thrill.... I mean this is my fourth week into entrepreneurship ... haven't close any big sales.... but so much of seed planting and I believe with faith in my hand... those seeds will grow into something huge....

Yeah, sometimes when you are into a project with people who shares the same vision with you, . it always drive. Billion and Lokey are great partners who is constantly on the company vision. One thing that drive us is that we compliment each other.... If one of us are not here it will be like a missing link.....

One thing to inform is that for the past four weeks, I was always on a constant peak emotion. Don't feel a single moment of down... and when I do, I shift very fast.... this is my latest learning on how to constantly to be at the peak of the mindset.

Tommorrow meeting up with another big person....


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